Blending cutting-edge science and commercial potential

An article was published about Dr Yuqian Lu in the LISMS research group in Science For Technological Innovation, National Science Challenge (a NZ government funding agency). During the interview, Dr Yuqian shared his research journey and motivations. For more...

Engineering New Zealand – Five minutes with Xun Xu

Recently, representatives from Engineering New Zealand (ENZ) had a thoughtful exchange with Xun Xu, professor of smart manufacturing at the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Auckland and Fellow of Engineering New Zealand. Learn...

LISMS on NSFC-RGC2023 in Hong Kong

Professor Xu and Dr. Lu recently attended the NSFC-RGC Conference on Frontiers of Industrial Big Data and Intelligent Systems in Hong Kong, China, from April 28 to May 1, 2023. The conference was held under the Joint Research Scheme of the National Natural Science...

Welcome new LISMS members!

The Laboratory for Industry 4.0 Smart Manufacturing Systems (LISMS) is pleased to welcome the following Visiting Scholars and Students who joined us in 2023. Visiting Scholars David Culler Visiting PhD Student Ali Keshvarparast Xiangyu (Alex) Guo Dr. Culler is...

Top Cited Papers in IJPR (2021-2022)

Our review paper “Digitalisation and servitisation of machine tools in the era of Industry 4.0: a review” has been recognized as one of the most cited papers in the IJPR for the period 2021-2022 (Link). We are proud of this achievement in the field of...