As one of our LISMS group members, Reza Hamzeh successfully finished his PhD study in February 2022. His supervisors were Professor Xun Xu and Dr Ray Y. Zhong.
His research topic was “A Cyber-Physical Data Management and Analytics System (CP-DMAS) for Smart Factories “.
Dr Reza’s research aims at the smart manufacturing area. Smart manufacturing is considered the future state of manufacturing, in which the produced data by sensors, embedded devices, and production systems are acquired, transmitted, and analysed in real-time as required for a better understanding of the production processes and facilitating the knowledge-based decision-making in manufacturing companies. Given the importance of big data and real-time analytics in the manufacturing industry, a generic framework was proposed to guide the implementation of industrial big data management systems, and a unified platform was developed to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework for real-world scenarios.
Dr Reza’s publications during his doctoral studies are as follows.
- “A Sensor Based Monitoring System for Real-Time Quality Control: Semi-Automatic Arc Welding Case Study.” Procedia Manufacturing 51 (2020): 201-06.
- “Step-Nc Enabled Machine Tool Digital Twin.” Procedia CIRP 93 (2020): 1460-65.
- “Technology Selection Methods and Applications in Manufacturing: A Review from 1990 to 2017.” Review. Computers & Industrial Engineering 138 (2019): 12 106123.
- “A Technology Selection Framework for Manufacturing Companies in the Context of Industry 4.0.” Paper presented at the 2018 World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines (DISA), 23-25 Aug. 2018.
- “A Survey Study on Industry 4.0 for New Zealand Manufacturing.” Paper presented at the 46th North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), Texas A & M Univ, College Station, TX, Jun 18-22 2018.
Dr Reza attended the Autumn 2022 Graduation Ceremony on May 5, 2022. The photo below shows Dr Reza visiting LISMS on the day of the graduation ceremony.

Dr Reza (Left) and Professor Xun Xu
Congratulations on Dr Reza Hamzeh! And we wish you all the best in your future endeavours.